Monday, December 12, 2011

Dare you to Move - Switchfoot

cycmpdf : "I praise God for this life he has given me, and there may be hard times, but I know God has a plan for everything and everyone, he warshed my sins away. Thank you God, thank you. And thank you Switchfoot for making songs that praise him and his love". (Youtube comment).

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Ephesians 4
Unity and Maturity in the Body of Christ
1 As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.

Have you ever felt not worthy enough to call on God's name. Is that why you don't turn to him? But we are worth Jesus much! He sent Jesus down to die for us! His eyes are focused on us. We are soooooooo insignificant. We are so evil. We are so useless, but God chooses to love us. Something so tiny, compared to him, a MASSIVE GOD.

If God loves us, why not love him? It will never match his love for us, but he truly deserves it. Doesn't he?

John 3:16
For God so loved the world, he gave his one and only son, Jesus, and whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

I wonder what the world would be like if we all just got along. It would be more happy songs, we'd be dancing all day long. I wonder if you talk to me, would you see a better man? I sure hope that's what you do, cuz i would see the better you.

-David Choi

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Asian Concerts

Chinese Opera? No.
Chinese Peiking Opera? NO!
Chinese Pop? No.

What are you talking about? Asian Concerts?

I'm talking about youtube asian sensations. Wow, that kinda rhymes aye?
I'm talking about Cathy Nguyen, David Choi, Jayesslee, Kevjumba, nigahiga, Wong Fu Productions etc. !!

During my mid-semester break, i heard Mr. Choi was coming to MY TOWN to perform! I didn't really know much about this guy, except that he was short, korean and extremely expressionless in his videos. Nevertheless, a talented musician! But, I didn't really think I was a big enough fan to attend.

But.. why not? It's the holidays. Once in a lifetime experience. YEAH WHY NOT ! So i did!
It was on the 11th of July and what do i have to say?

Jayesslee and Amelia Jae were his supporting acts, and my goodness, weren't Jayesslee looking pretty (:

Recorded a few vids (:

got heebeegeeebees throughout the whole concert !

Which brings me up to the next topic..
Wong Fu Productions
Far East Movement
Cathy Nguyen
David Choi

o my. I reckon if i attended this concert in Seattle, I would have fainted before it even started, and be in the hospital whilst the concert starts...