It was a random trip to the mountain to go see the moon!
An eventful Sunday it was..
Went to Church.. listened to pastor mun's sermon on Acts.. talking about Paul.. whether he is guilty or not.. i should've listened more.. i should've had more sleep.. so i could concentrate! grrr..
Afterwards, I managed to convince my mum to let me out and hang with friends (: . We ate lunch at sunnybang and headed towards market square to watch billy get his haircut. We headed back to my place to chill. Played some games on the PS3 and attempted to have fun 'quietly' while adults were intently discussing stuff in their meeting.
People left for sport, roger was picked up, the wei sisters were also picked up. Played PS3 for a bit as i wasnt expecting to do anything that night.. I thought i had the whole night to do my science..
"Hey Son, wanna come to a bus trip with us to the mountain to watch the full moon?"
"HAHAHHAA yuo're funny dad.. you're really funny.. "
"I'm serious.. we're leaving in 10 mins"
D: that was random..
no actually it wasnt random.. IT WAS EXTREMELY RANDOM
we arrived at some random's place to eat dinner. This random was a casual Public bus driver, and so he decided to hire out the Brisbane City Council Bus for the night. What better way to celebrate his 30th anniversary by going up to a mountain and watching the full moon with a bunch of friends?! Man this was sooo random.. We boarded the bus and the adults were on a high! They sang random chinese folk songs all the way there.. and all the way back. too bad i couldnt join them. i cant speak chinese!
We arrived at the mountain. The view from up there was beautiful. Despite the fact that the moon was covered by large clouds. From up there, we could also see Brisbane. I was able to spot the Ferris Wheel from there!
After about 40 mins, we departed from the mountain and headed back home. We arrived back at around 8.50 pm. that was the most random trip i've ever experienced. but oh well. what would I be doing at home anyways? playing games? chatting on msn? i dont think i would be doing work..
Well that was how i spent my last day of the Term 3 holidays.
Hope you guys are ready for school. Study hard.
"We ate at sunnybang"
ReplyDeleteahahaha. funniest bit.